Submit Your Site

Please allow us 1-3 days to get your submitted link, go over it, and review your site. We do this to ensure the sites/links listed meet our terms and are quality sites that our viewers will find helpful or useful. Please no offensive sites, your link will not be posted if we find it offensive. Read our terms and conditions for full details. Once we have approved it, we will send you an email stating it has been posted and is live. You will also need to post our link (code below) on your site. Note: You can bypass posting our link on your site (see option 2 below). If our link is not posted on your site when we review your site, we will discard your submitted link. Please have our link up before you submit your link or get it up shortly after submitting your link.

In order to have your link(s) posted on our site, you will need to post our link/site in your website. You will need to post the text link:

The Source for Credit Information

Here's the Code: <a href="">The Source for Credit Information</a>

Option 2: You can bypass posting our link and gain a great 1 way back-link:

Donate $15 and as a token of our appreciation we will post a 1 way back-link! Please donate first, you will be asked to leave the URL or Domain Name of the site you want posted. Once you donate, you will be forward back here, please submit the information in the form below at that point. We will use the information you submitted in the form below with the Domain or URL you submitted to Paypal to confirm your order. Thanks for your support and donation, this money helps us continue doing what we do, as well as work on new concepts!